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Set Up Email Notification Redirects forYour Team

Currently, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Onl ineTeam sends emai l notifications totheadministrative users of the Organization.Some customerswant to have additional memberswho are internal and external to theirorganizations receivethese notifications. This documentoutl ines thesteps thata CRM Onl ineorExchange/ITadministratorcan taketoautomatical lyredirect these notification emai l messages on a real-time basis to additional recipients.Goal

Enable Customers (OrganizationsystemAdministrators) to automatical ly redirect emai lnotifications from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Onl ine( to additionalrecipients, such as:

1. Individual(s)who is nota userof theCRM Onl ineOrganization, such as the Partnerof


2. Individual(s),both internal and external tothe customer’s company(domain)

Al l redirectemai lswi l l retaintheoriginal sendercontext,which is Microsoft DynamicsCRMOnl ine( in this case.

You can do automatic redirection of emai l notifications in Exchange Server2007 and above bysetting uptransport rules.This is forusers on:

1. Exchange ServerOn-Premise deployment

2. Office 365–Exchange Onl ine service and

3. Hybrid Deployment:Microsoft Exchange Serveron-premises and Microsoft Office 365

Subscription with Exchange Onl ine

*The set of instructions that follow for each of these classes of deployments are based on publicallyavailable Microsoft Product guidelines.

*Thedesignated Exchange or System Admin on the customer’s deployment is the person who mustcomplete these instructions.

4. Emai l deployments other than Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Exchange Server On-Premisesdeployment

Applicable for:Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and above

Requires:Exchange Administrator-level Permissions

Act 1:Create a distribution group

Act 2:Create external contacts in Exchange

Act3:Add members tothedistribution l ist

Act 4:Create a redirect transport rule

Act 1:Create a distribution groupusing Exchange Management Console(EMC)on Exchange2007 and above Hub server

The purposeof creating a distribution group is to havea containerwhich includes thesetofemai l addresses,who areto bethe recipients of the emai l notification from the auto-redirecttransport rule.Microsoft Dynamics CRM Onl ine rel ies on the designated system administratorandInitial Useremai l addresses,asassigned bythecustomerwithin CRM.Theyaretheoriginalrecipientsof al l emai l notification from CRM Onl ine.

Refer to:Create a Distribution Group

Note:ITAdministrators often use Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007(ILM 2007) for provisioningusers,contacts,and mai lboxes in enterprise Active Directory and Exchange platforms.Identitymanagement tools such as ILM 2007 and Forefront IdentityManager2010(FIM 2010)need to be Global Address Lists (GALs) synchronized with Exchange environments, to enablecreating distribution groupand adding members fromtheGALto it.When such a synchronizedimplementation exists,you can useILM 2007or FIM 2010 instead of Exchange ManagementConsole.

Refer to:Exchange Provisioning using ILM 2007 and FIM 2010

Create the distribution group

1. Open EMC.

2. Navigate toRecipient Configuration>Distribution Group>New Distribution Group.

3. Fol lowthe New Distribution Group wizard,as i l lustrated:

4. Cl ick Next.

5. For Group type, select Distribution.

6. Cl ick Next.

7. Cl ickNew.

8. Cl ick Finish.

The distribution group“CRM Onl ine notifications” is created.

Act 2:Create mail contacts

Mai l contacts are mai l-enabled Active Directoryobjects that contain information about peopleororganizations thatexistoutsideyour Exchangeorganization. Each mai l contact has anexternal e-mai l address.

Mai l contacts are created corresponding to the external contacts so that these areviewable inthe Exchange Global Address List (GAL).This wi l l eventual ly al lowthe external contact to beadded tothe distribution group to receivethe notifications.

Refer to:Create a Mail Contact

Create Mail contacts

1. Open EMC.

2. Navigate to Recipient Configuration>Mail Contact>New Mail Contact.

3. Fol lowthe New Mai l Contactwizard,as i l lustrated:

4. Cl ick Next.

5. Enter the external/target address of the contact.

6. Cl ickOK.

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