
appdata可以删除吗  时间:2021-04-11  阅读:()






这个用户组包含了所有可登录的用户(Windows Vista开始,管理员用户和高级用户都也是默认被包含此组内)。


扩展资料 users文件夹主要目的是为了更好的保存文件,使它整齐规范。


users文件夹特权分配可以在本地安全策略中更改,这里的特权仅针对除LOCAL SERVICE、NETWORK SERVICE、DWM-1、已提权的管理员用户账户外的用户。




Re: safe to delete AppData/Local? Synapse Syndrome wrote: > No. That's where all your programs store their settings. Run the Disk > Cleanup Wizard and delete all but last Restore Point if you are so short of > space. Well, this is only partially true. The AppDataLocal and AppDataLocalLow folders are the folders where applications store their "local machine only" settings. This means that these files are by default not synchronized to the roaming profile share (usually only in use for corporate users). The AppDataRoaming folder contains the settings for the applications (at least ording to the guidelines). The AppDataLocal folder should actually only contain volatile data or data which can be re-generated easily such as caches. In case you use roaming profiles you sign off at one machine then the AppDataRoaming tree is synchronized to the roaming profile share. When you log in on another machine your profile gets pulled from the roaming profile server. This by definition does not include the AppDataLocal folder. Therefore on this machine this folder is basically empty. Windows will then create some default structures like Temp or Temporary Files folders automatically (empty). Applications which do not respect the volatile nature of the AppDataLocal folder do not respect the guidelines (I usually try to avoid using such programs). Therefore it is theoretically safe to remove all files from AppDataLocal*** folders. However I am quite sure you cannot delete it entirely as Windows plain that it needs it (at run time). In case the OP likes to free some space he should clean AppDataLocalTemp* and look out for some large folders to clean up selectively. For example Outlook tends to write the mail archive folder there (AppDataLocal

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