
recentplaces  时间:2021-07-02  阅读:()

proteeting the forest英语作文

I've been in lots of diners, and they've always seemed to be warm, busy, friendly, happy places. That's why, on a recent Monday night, I ped in a diner for a cup of coffee. I was returning home after an all day car trip and needed something to help me make the last forty-five miles. A diner at midnight,however,was not the place I had expected. It was diffhrent, and lonely. My Toyota pulled to a halt in front of the dreary gray aluminum building that looked like an old railroad car. A half-lit neon sign sputtered the message, "Fresh baked goods daily," on the surface of the rain-slick parking lot. Only a half dozen cars and a battered pickup were scattered around the lot. An empty paper coffee cup made a hollow scraping sound as it rolled in small circles on one cement step close to the diner entrance. I pulled hard at the balky glass door, and it hanged shut behind me. The diner was quiet when I entered. As there was no hostess on duty, only the faint odor of stale grease and the dull hum of an empty refrigerated pastry case greeted me. I looked around for a place to sit. The outside walls were lined with empty booths which squatted back to back in their orange vinyl upholstery. On each speckled beige-and-gold table were the usual essories

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In recent years, there is an online shopping upsurge in some developed areas/ places . 或 There is an online shopping upsurge in somedeveloped areas/ places in recent years. 分析: 1 近年来 In recent years 作状语,可放在句子开头,也可放在句子末尾。

2 网上购物的热潮 online shopping upsurage 作主语,谓语动词用单数,故there be 用 there is 3 发达的地方 developed areas / places

  • recentplaces近年来在有些发达地方出现网上购物的热潮英语怎么翻译相关文档

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