___4Don Haglund Memorial Match 4-H RANGE DAY …

memorial day  时间:2021-05-08  阅读:()

Tri County/Don Haglund Memorial Match 4-H RANGE DAY

(Equipment list)

………………………3:00 p.m.Friday afternoon before Match……………………….

“Traile r”

___(2) target boxes ___8–30 gallon barrels ___flagging tape(6 rolls)___yellow rope ___10–T-posts ___T-post Driver

___86 re-bar sticks ___100’ tape,yellow ___100’ tape orange____Re-bar caps (3 buckets–86caps) ___2 each- single jack sledge hammers____wire rifle racks (44) ___3X5 cards to make new numbers if needed___2 sheets p lywood(scoring area) ___Tarps (2) ____carpet ro lls (4)

_3 card tab les ___4 chairs ___2 R.O. stoo ls ___Matc h Direc tors stoo l

___P.A.System ___Extension Chords (2/50’) ___one power strip___White 30 gallon garbage bags (for pulled staples)(use buckets re-bar caps came in)___Rifle rack for Wood Colony 4-H. ___Orange Fencing

“Announcers pickup”……. 7:00 a.m.Saturday morning,March 2nd


___P.A.System ____Canopy&Frame(S hade for Announcer)

___Daisy banner ___D.H.M.M.Banner

____zip ties ___step stool to get up into pickup b ed

____Sight in targets ____Sign up sheet for sight in targets

____2 clipboards ____R.O.handouts /Range Rules ____gifts for R.O. ’s____R.O.Colored pens ____½sheet ofplywood for Announcer/Range Master

(So his chair will be able to sit in pickup bed)

“Scorekeeper”…….. 7:30 a.m.Saturday morning……………………

___Trophies ___Laptop computer ___Printer(optional)

___Registration papers___Roster with relays

___Targets___Scoring Cards___Sco ring Posters (poster boards)

___Crossman pellet rifle___Daisy 599B-BB Gun

___Calculators ___strapping tape ___box with extra Batteries

___Tool box with“3”staple guns&2 boxes of staples,extra safety glasses,etc…___Tool box with whistles,colored pens for Range O fficers&arm bands

___4 each-2-way radios [Match Director,Chie f R.O,Announcer,Scorekeeper]___Cigar box ofpens with scoring pellets ___felt pen box

___10 extra targets for A.R&BB gun ___Shoot-off Targets

___ Ice chest with water for Range O fficers


Aluminum c ard tab le fo r trop hies

One card table for staple guns&screw drivers (staple pullers)

One card table for targets (so relays canbe laid out)


8:30-Targe t setters (6)&target p uller s (6)meeting


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