
黑色星期五购物  时间:2021-01-19  阅读:()


That's where the term Black Friday comes from. It's the day afterThanksgiving,and it's a massive shopping day in the U.S.So much so that retai l stores and chains are hoping that's the daythat puts them in the blackforthe year.As this Black Friday approaches,U.S.consumer confidence is up.According to recent pol ls, that can mean people are more optimistic about the economy.Something else mayfuel theirspending.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, retai lers are gearing up for a battle.And here is why:stores can make up to 40 percent of theirannual profits injust the last sixweeks of the year.But there's a problem these days.The shopping hol iday season isn'twhat it once was. In 2004,sales grew nearly seven percent. In 2013, the sales increase was less than half that.This year retai lers have a l ittle bit of a unique opportunity.Lowgas prices.People have a l ittle extra spending money.

So,with bi l l ions of dol lars at stake,here are a few strategies that brick and mortarstores are using to get a piece of the action:one, retai lers are rol l ing out promotions early.More people are shopping in November,before Black Friday.So,names l ike Target are promoting pre-Black Friday sales.And K-Mart and RadioShack are opening stores on Thanksgiving morning.Two,minimize wait times.Stores are increasing staff and mobi le checkouts.The fact is,shoppers are more valuable than ever before.So,stores are real ly working hard to keep them happy.

Three,focus on onl ine sales.Researcher NPD Group says 60 percentof consumers plan to shop onl ine this year.So,expectmore special onl ine and mobi le deal ,and fewershipping fees,but at the end of the day, these tactics can onlygo so far.Ultimately,what people spend and where theyspend it,comes down to a fi l l ing howtheyfeel about theirjob, the economy,and how much moneyis in theirpocket.


随着感恩节临近,零售商们正着手准备这一购物狂潮。因为各家商店在今年的最后6周希望可以创造40%的年利润。但这些天却有一个问题。购物假期已经不再是过去那样。 2004年销售增长近百分之七。而2013年销售增长还不到一半。今年零售商们有着一次独特的机会。那就是较低的天然气价格。人们额外花的钱较少。

因此有着数十亿美元,这里为你带来了一些购物策略:首先,零售商们会提早推出促销活动。更多的人会选择在11月, “黑色星期五”之前购物。所以, Target这样的店家会促进黑色星期五之前的销售额。而凯马特和RadioShack则会在感恩节早晨开门营业。



That's where the term Black Friday comes from. It's the day afterThanksgiving,and it's a shopping day in the U.S.So much so that stores and are hoping that's the day that puts them in the blackforthe year.As this Black Friday ,U.S.consumer is up.According to recent  that can mean people are more bout the economy.Something else mayfuel theirspending.With Thanksgiving around the corner, retai lers are up fora battle.And here is why:stores can make up to 40 percent of their profits injust the last sixweeks of the year.But there's a problem these days.The shopping hol idayseason isn'twhat itonce was. In 2004,sales nearlyseven percent. In 2013, the sales increase was less than half that.This year retai lers have a l ittle bit of a opportunity.Lowgas prices.People have a l ittle extra spending money.

So,with bi l l ions of dol lars at , here are a few that and stores are using to get a piece of the action:one, retai lers are rol l ing out early.More people areshopping in November,before Black Friday.So,names l ike Target are promoting pre-Black Friday sales.And K-Mart and RadioShack are opening stores on Thanksgiving morning.Two, wait times.Stores are increasing and mobi le .The fact is,shoppers are more than ever before.So,stores are real lyworking hard to keep them happy.

Three,focus on onl ine sales.Researcher NPD Group says 60 percentof consumers plan to shop onl ine this year.So,expectmore special onl ine and mobi le ,and fewershipping fees,butat the end of the day, these can onlygo so far. ,what people spend and where they spend it,comes down to afi l l ing howtheyfeel about theirjob, the ,and howmuch moneyis intheir .

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