jbuildeInstalling Jbuilder8 - Web Age Solutions

jbuilder8  时间:2021-01-24  阅读:()

Ins talling JB uilde r 2005

1.) Get a key for JBuilder 2005 using your email from the websitehttp://www.borland.com/products/downlo ads/download_jbuilder.html underthe sectionKeys only.

2.) Extract the jb2005_enttrialdl_win_mac.zip on the JBuilder 2005 CD to thelocal hard drive.

3.) Once the file is extracted run the file install_windows.exe under

<local_ha rd_drive>\jbuilde r2005.

4.) After some extraction a JBuilder 2005 screenwill open.

5.) Click Borland JBuilder 2005 Enterprise.

Check only JBuilder 2005 Enterprise and uncheck the rest

6.) Click I ns tall.

7.) At the Introduction screen click Next.

8.) Accept the license agreement and press Next.

9.) At the Choose Install Set screen select Full Install and press Next.


11.) Press install at the pre-installation summary s creen.

12.) Wait while JBuilder 2005 is installed onto your computer.

13.) Press done to finish the installation.

14.) Run JBuilder 2005.Start->Programs ->Borland JBuilder 2005Enterprise->Borland JB uilder 2005 Enterprise.

15.) A screen will appear for activation.Select Have Activation File and pressNext.Browse to the path of the reg543.txt file that has the activationinformation for Borland.You will need to download this file from

new user and you will receive the key in the mail.Once the activation iscomplete JBuilder 2005 will begin automatically.

16.) Congratulations you have successfully installed JBuilder 2005.

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