从句八年级英语下册 专题 时间状语从句(易错考点回顾 闯关提分训练)练习 人教新目标版

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引导时间状语从句的连接词有when,as,while,after,before, since,as soon as, till/until等。I feel very happy when you come to see me.你们来看我时我感到很高兴。

While she was doing homework her mother come back.当她正在做作业时她妈妈回来了。Let’ wait until/till the rain stops.让咱们等到雨停吧。


1.______the boys were fighting, the police arrived.

A.While B.As longas C.Before D.As soonas



【正确答案】句意 当男孩们正在打架的时候警察来了。while当……的时候 as long as只要 before在……之前 as soon as尽可能快地。根据句意可知选A。


1. xx江苏南通 It is known to us all that the day becomes shorter and shorter_______wintercomes.

A.before B.when C.until D. since

【答案】 B

解析考查连词辨析。句意众所周知当冬天到来的时候 白天变得越来越短。When意为“当……时候” 引导时间状语从句符合句意。故选B。

2. xx山西 Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years______we came to junior highschool.We should thank them for what they have done for us.

A.until B.before C. since

【答案】 C

解析考查连词辨析。句意 自从我们进入初中以来我们已经和老师们在一起快三年了。我们应该感激老师为我们做的。 sinc e意为“自从” 引导时间状语从句时主句用现在完成时从句用一般过去时符合语境。故选C。



3. xx重庆As soon as the rain______,they will go out to pick apples.

A. stops B. stopped C.will stop D. is stopping


解析 as soon as一……就……引导的时间状语从句遵循主将从现的原则。从句主语是the rain故动词应用单数第三人称stops。


1.—When will you return the book to me?

—I’ ll give it to you______I finish it.

A.until B. so C.unless D.as soon as

2.We were talking loudly,______the teacher came in.

A.While B.When C.What D.Why

3.The boy didn’ t stop talking______the second bell rang.

A.when B.until C. after D.because

4.—Mike,what were your parents doing at 8:00 last night?

—My mother was reading______my father was playing computer games.

A.while B.when C.unless D.as longas

5.—Excuse me,may I come in?

—Not yet.Please wait on your chair_______your name is called.

A. and B.after C.until D. since

6.Mr.Green has worked in the school______he came to China.

A. as B. for C. since D.while

7.______I heard the news, I jumped with joy.

A.As soonas B.As faras C.As longas D.As for

8. xx四川南充 Jenny didn’ t go to bed______her mother came home last night.

A. as soonas B. if C.while D.until

9.______the boys were fighting, the police arrived.

A.While B.As longas C.Before D.As soonas

10. I’ ll go to visit my aunt in England______the summer holidays start.



A.while B. since C.until D.as soon as

11.______you smile at others, they will smile back.

A.Before B.When C.Until D.Though

12. I______believe it______I see it with my own eyes.

A.won’ t;and B.will;but C.will;until D.won’ t;until

13.—So you were in the supermarket______you heard a strange sound,right?

—That’ s true.I ran out as quickly as possible.

A.when B.while C. then D.which

14.Tom rushed into the house______his mother was cooking.

A. as B.before C.while D. after

15.Mr.Smith has a habit of taking a shower______he has breakfast.

A. though B.before C.because D. since

16.—Can you speak English?

—Of course, I have studied it______I was six years old.

A. though B. since C.before

17.Linda was just going out for shopping______the telephone rang.

A.when B.while C. after D.because

18.Ben’ s dad was cutting down trees outside______his mom was cooking in the house.

A.when B.while C. as D. since

19.We can’ t go across the road______the traffic light turns green.

A. if B.when C.until D. after

20. xx乌鲁木齐Ms.Yang felt so tired that she fell asleep______she lay down on the bed.

A. ever since B.unless C.as soon as D.even though


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.D

11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C


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