informationInstructions for Case Analysis - Wilkes University :案例分析说明威尔克斯大学

威尔克斯  时间:2021-04-28  阅读:()

Instructions for C'ase Analysis

The case analysis is meant to show the student s ability to apply course concepts andvocabulary to the business problem.Students are expected to use theories,vocabulary,and models to describe the components within the'case.The case should be written inclear and concise language that shows the student s ability to synthesize course materialand relate it to business problems. The required format is below there are six sections.Use the Bold Titles to begin each section.

This same format will be used in class to evaluate minicases.

Key Questions for the Case Analysis:

1. Overview Overview ofpertinent history and facts

Describe the background of the situation or business that is the subject of the case;Provide information that creates the context for your analysis;

Incorporate relevant facts about the company or situation derived from researchoutside the case you are analyzing;provide APA style citations for all sources ofinformatio n.

2. Problem/s State the problem

Identify a problem or key issue from the case that is relevant to course goals.Willan analysis ofthis issue allow you to demonstrate your comprehension andsynthesis of course concepts?

Clearly describe the problem or issue.

3. Alte rnative Solutions Offer alternative solutions and approaches to theproblem.Using information or data found in the case study,as well as fromcourse materials and your own research,offer two or more solutions orapproaches to the problem.

4. Evaluation of Alte rnatives Evaluate each alternative

Critically assess the alternatives defined in section 3.Describe the implicationsand key steps for implementation of each alternative.Consider external andinternal factors and other relevant trends.Once again,utilize course texts andother resources to enhance your assessment.

5. Recommendation/s Offeryourbestrecommendation

Based on your analysis in section 4,recommend one alternative.Support andjustify your recommendation.Depending on the nature ofthe case,you maysuggest management or leadership styles or commitments,describe theorganizational structure,policies and systems,or outline changes to the businessmodel needed to successfully implement this recommendation.

6. Possible Results and Obstacles to Implementation Summarize thelikely result and/or obstacles that may play into the execution of your solution.What outcomes might result from the implementation of the selected alternative?What internal or external trends may enhance or obstruct successfulimp le me nt at io n?


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