
indicates  时间:2021-06-26  阅读:()

Indicates required information是什么意思

Indicates required information 显示所需的信息 required information 1. 所需的信息 2. 需要的信息 3. 要求的资料 例句: Myspace has been waiting for new laws to be passed that would require known sexoffenders to register their e-mail address in addition to the other required information. myspace一直在等新法规的出台来要求已知的性骚扰者在其他必需的信息后在附加注册他们的邮箱地址


point 表示 “指出/指明“ 时是不及物动词,需要另加副词 out 才可以跟宾语从句,如:
  • I must?(point?out)?that delay is unwise. ?我必须指出拖延是不明智的。

  • The manager (pointed?out)?that his products were farsuperior to others. 经理指出他的产品比其他的要好得多。

    indicate 表示这种意思时是及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语从句,如:
  • The temperature gauge?indicated that it was boiling. 温度计表明它在沸腾。

  • A survey of retired people (has?indicated) that most areindependent. 对退休人员的调查表明,大部分人都是自食其力的。


    indicate指 “为推断…存在提供基础”,?point?out则指 把注意力引向…”


    The Service Vehicle Soon (SVS) light indicates a problem with the body electrical system. Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) associated with this Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) cannot be read with standard OBD scanners like those at Autozone, etc. In order to read these codes, you will have to take your car to a proper GM mechanic. However, the mon cause of a Service Vehicle Soon (SVS) light is a burned out or disconnected headlamp bulb. Check that all your exterior lamps are functioning. That includes high/low beams, parking lamps, signal lamps, and brake lamps. The Service Vehicle Soon (SVS) Light should not be confused with the Service Engine Soon (SES) light, which indicates a problem with the vehicles powertrain.


    indicate ['?nd?ke?t] vt. 表明,标示,指示;象征,暗示,预示;[医]显示需要做…的治疗 第三人称单数:indicates;过去分词:indicated;现在分词:indicating
    • indicatesindicate什么意思中文翻译相关文档




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