
associations  时间:2021-07-04  阅读:()

professional associations是什么意思

professional associations 专业协会 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 专业协会 2. 职业协会 3. 行业组织 例句: 1. Professional associations existed primarily to facilitate governmentmonitoring and control anization members. 专业协会的存在首要目标是协助政府监视和控制组织成员。

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大一英语作文题目Associations on Campus 无其他要求,字数100左右

Associations do have advantages which hold appeal for college students. Fristly, college students can enrich their’ lives in various association activities.Whatever they are interested in, they can find relevant associations, such as calligraphy association or painting association to take part in. Secondly, they can get acquainted with many friends with similar interests in associations. Just as the saying goes: Birds of a feather flock togethere.They may e good friends. Lastly, they can gain the experience for their ing career development. Some students insist that too much associations on campus will upy their too much time and energy. In my opinion, I’m sure that it is beneficial for college students to take part in the associations on campus.They can not only add flavor to their college life, but may also provide them a passport to a bright future


create-associations 创建协会 associations n. 联系; 协会( association的名词复数 ); 联合; (思想、感觉、记忆等的) 联想; [网络] 关联; 交往; [例句]Research associations are often linked to a particular industry. 研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。


associations 协会 双语对照 词典结果: associations n.协会( association的名词复数 ); 联合; 联系; (思想、感觉、记忆等的)联想; 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问



association: [英][??s???i?e??n][美][??so??i?e??n] n.协会,社团; 联合,联系; 联想; 复数:associations 相关单词:Association






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