机柜服务器DIY 机柜选购:服务器机柜导购

服务器导购  时间:2021-01-13  阅读:()


If you follow the following check order, you can pick up the cabinet that meets your installation priorities (including security, durability, compatibility, and ease of loading and unloading) without exceeding your budget. . . . . .

To the Telecom Data Center rental cabinets or just rent 1U, 2U middle cabinet space, I believe we have a better understanding of what it is, however, some telecommunications room not only provide leasing services, and can also provide roomrental, the user is actually sign the next part of the room space, room ISP provides access lines and power supply and refrigeration facilities for users, the service is generally provided for large users, customers only need to tell the operator room specific requirements, so that the operator can be tailored to customers and flexible wiring network configuration, good natural charge is flexible, so that customers do not have to spend money to enjoy self built room the top room comfortable and smooth, the most important thing is the customer can be placed in cabinets and their required equipment free!However, if you choose the network cabinet is not appropriate,the installed equipment, the most valuable part of the server installed into the cabinet, youwill find that the cabinet space is running out. Conversely, if you follow the following check order, you can pick up the cabinet that meets your installation priorities (including security, durability, compatibility,and ease of loading and unloading) without exceeding your budget. The first consideration shouldbe security. Puttingkey tasks into the lockable cabinet of IT devices makes it easier for network administrators to limit the number of people who

can open the cabinet.

Physical requirement

List all equipment installed in the cabinet and their complete measurement data: height, length, width and weight. The total height of these equipment will eventually determine how many devices can be put into the cabinet. Obviously, the high rack can hold more equipment and save more space.

Of course, make full use of the height of the cabinet is not the only consideration, the rear of the cabinet also has a large place to use. This is the reason for measuring the depth of the cabinet. Select a deeper cabinet, you can put the two sets of equipment back to back, so as to install more equipment. By adopting the above method, two rows of equipment can be arranged in the cabinet, and a row of loading and unloading is arranged at the front door of the cabinet, and the other line is loaded and pulled from the back door. The cabinet shall be in an adjustable position

After calculating the cabinet space (in U or 1.75 inches) ,consider the size of the room. You wouldn' t want to see the equipment packed and soon found some more equipment. Once you buy the cabinet and install it, these extra devices often appear.Therefore, as a basic principle, the cabinet height should be more than 20% to 30% for the expansion of the system. These spaces also improve the ventilation conditions of the equi pment.

A rack equipped device does not need to consider width because

it is designed according to the width of the cabinet. But the width of the server and other peripherals that cannot support the scaffold can not be ignored.

Since the total weight of the equipment is often not light,choose a cabinet that holds about 1500 pounds. That is to say,choose a good, strong cabinet. Inside the cabinet,

The weight of the device determines whether the selected slider is standard or heavier, and also determines the choice of other accessories. Select 100%, compatible with all server racks, to meet or exceed all OEM vendors' third class bracket standards.Slides and mounting attachments are required if you wish to install tower or desktop equipment.

Since the installation includes network cables,telecommunication cables and power cables, it is necessary to buy hooks, bands, or toothed belts to effectively secure the cables in the cabinet. It would be great if the cabinet had a cable management module that would allow the cable to be secured directly to the vertical mounting rail. In either case, the inside wall and side wall of the cabinet should have enough fixed rings (to protect the cable) or lift the cabinet floor for the following line.

Cabinet type and grade

Although the cabinet looks quite like, but broken up according to its different uses or there are several types, common is used for wiring cabinet and cabinet for placing the server for a wiring cabinet is generally used to place multiple terminal

switches, so there will be a lot of line needs to be connected with the cabinet, not easy to get a the door, so it looks more like a cabinet rack, cabinet manufacturers have put this product called the wiring frame; in addition to the server cabinet placed there is definitely a door lock, because of the need toprotect yourweight inside the equipment, so the router,firewall is generally more expensive is also placed in the cabinet inside.

Take server cabinets, there are grades:

General server cabinet

This is the common server cabinet, glass door, fan four server cabinets, installed on the top of the cabinet, mainly used for ventilation purposes, to provide a good environment for the temperature inside the cabinet, the cabinet bottom is hollow,used for ventilation and cooling. The server at the top of this rack has a very good cooling effect, but the server cooling in the middle and lower parts is not ideal.

Advanced server cabinet

This is a server cabinet cabinet is relatively high, the ventilation cooling through the air hole before and after the door so dense, air conditioning air conditioning can be well distributed to each server in the cabinet around the cooling effect of the cabinet are good, and the cabinet, exquisite material, anticorrosion and load-bearing capacity is relatively strong.

Key component

In addition to the server needs to be protected, don't forget some parts need to load the cabinet-network equipment (routers,hubs, frame, keyboard / mouse / display sharing device, tape drives and memory) and peripherals (display, keyboard, modem) .The most critical component is the power protector. In all configuration settings, all servers should have an uninterruptible power system as a power source. Even if the equipment takes up 1U of space, it needs protection. Even devices that do not need continuous operation should be protected by surge suppressors or linear regulators, which are available in the mounting frame conf iguration.

Don' t forget the power components, such as the power outlet.If you don't want more than a dozen power cord winding out of the cabinet,

You can use the power cord strip. Although you can use the 1U bracket model power outlet bar, the power outlet bar can be installed in any corner of the inner wall of the cabinet to make room for other equipment. Remember, any component that does not mount the rack requires additional trays, support fittings, and other mounting devices.

Next, addupall theheat generated by the device to be installed.A 45U cabinet that is well ventilated up and down, allowing for an average of 3000 to 5000BTUs of total heat. If the total amount of heat exceeds the maximum heat value of the cabinet, a fan that can be mounted on the top wall or side wall of the cabinet

needs to be purchased. The upper wall fan is more expensive,but the effect is two times that mounted on the side wall. The side fan shall be installed on the back wall of the cabinet,because most of the heat is generated at the rear of the equi pment.

Installation attention

With the cabinet size, check the shape of the equipment to ensure that the selection of the stent. A sturdy cabinet can bear weighs 450 pounds, so check out for equipment tools, for example, Timor trolley. OK, the cabinet is equippedwithwheels,so you just put the equipment in it and push the cabinet to the right place.

Measure the size of the room and the ceiling, the door and the elevator height that the cabinet passes through. In addition,taking into account the various types of equipment in the cabinet, ensure that the cabinet is located close to the power supply, the network cable jack and the communication socket.Check the opening angle of the cabinet when opening and closing the cabinet. Standard cabinet door on the right to open the door on the left, of course, does not rule out the opposite situation.All doors and side panels should be easily opened for maintenance.

When you install the equipment cabinet into an existing cabinet group, you can arrange the cabinets next to each other, so that they are safe and tidy. But some cabinet groups can not be added because of various reasons, or only a few attachments can be

added. The best cabinet model should be fully scalable andwith all the necessary hardware. Remove the cabinet side panels and join the cabinets together with screws to form a row.

Price factor

Price is always important, but it cannot be sacrificed because of its important characteristics. Need to choose the best cost-effective cabinet. Servers and peripherals change quickly,but good cabinets take a long time. Comparing the merits of the cabinet, the key is to compare several accepted performance indicators. In the performance index, pay attention to the word "additional", which means that it is allowed to expand at any time. Many manufacturers only for you to see the cabinet price,not including the cabinet should be installed in the price of the equipment, and these devices will make your spending quickly becomes large, so you have to consider the cabinet with a full set of equipment price, the manufacturer will not on when.

Finally, choose the manufacturer of the production cabinet. The service life is recognized as a performance standard. The manufacturer should have a special department responsible for helping you install the cabinet, correctly install the equipment inside, and provide you with accessories in a few years after the sale. Also, make sure that the manufacturer provides a lifetime maintenance of the cabinet.

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