广告google广告联盟广告应避免18项错误(Google Advertising Alliance advertising should avoid 18 errors)

google广告联盟  时间:2021-01-14  阅读:()

google广告联盟广告应避免18项错误Google Advertising

Alliance advertising should avoid 18 errors

Google Adsense advertising plan is a popular advertising products, this product provides many website best online advertising revenue sources, about the use of Adsense technique in this paper has been a lot, at the same time, Adsense also participate in this advertising planning services established policy clear terms of service, and asked us to strictly abide by. The Adsense account will not be removed from the Google.When I visit the website and the forum, I found will encounter some Adsense abuse every day, so here are some tips on using GoogleAdsnese, you may have until some, may also know very little. These are selected from the GoogleAdsense' s planning policies, and some simplifications are made.

1, for whatever reason, don't click on your own Adsense ad. You should know that very well. This is the best way to close your Adsense account. So never tell your company associates or friends to click ads. If your family or child wants to increase your income by helping you click ads, it will indirectly make you have no income. What is more, can not use rewards, click settings automatically click Tools, click fraud or other with the nature of software, Adsense is very good at detecting fraudulent clicks, if you really want to see the page click on the advertisement effect, please use the Google preview tool.

2. Never change the code of Adsense. We have enough means to optimize and customize the color of Adsense to suit your background or boundaries. Add your own code outside of the ad

code and never change it in the ad or search code. They' ll know what you're modifying. Search code has a lot of limitations in color and placement, but you have to follow these rules. If you break the rules, the code may stop working.

3, don' t put more than 3 advertising units and 1 link units or 2 search advertising boxes on the web page. In any case, no new advertising content will be added to the advertising unit. But these restrictions are what they want, and it' s better to do it.

4, do not place similar text ads or search frames on the same page that compete with the Google advertising alliance. Don't try to create a link structure similar to the Adsense advertisement. Don' t use other search tools on pages with Adsense search. However, they allow members to introduce and restrict text links.

5, do not disclose confidential information about your account,such as CTR, CPM and individual advertising unit income.However, you canreveal the total income you received last time.6, the advertisement title tag can only be "sponsor link" or "advertisement"". Other labels are not allowed. I've seena lot of ads on websites that are written in other content, and shouldn't use this method to attract other people' s eyeballs.7, do not click the ad Click to set the default to open a new page. Google advertising alliance advertising should open in the same page, you may have to use the "basetarget" tab allows the default all links open a new window or a frame, so now go

in advertising.

8, don't buildmultipleAdsense accounts. An account canbe used on multiple sites, and you don't need to create 5 accounts for 5 different sites, and one account can do everything. If you fear an account being shut down because of breaking the rules,then trust me, they will shut all your associated accounts. You canuse channels to track clicks and real time statistics. They will automatically detect and display relevant ads on the new site.

9. Placing ads only on content pages. Advertisers only pay for content, content driven advertising, though you may have some errors from login, registration, thank you page or welcome page content and so on to get some hits, but youwill be out of Google advertising alliance.

10, don't hide advertising elements. Changing the colors and boundaries of ads can easily integrate advertising into the web page. I've seen a lot of websites set ads as background colors.Although it is a good idea to integrate advertising with your website, the elements of the hidden ads are not allowed.Therefore, do not use floating pictures, pop-up windows, forms,etc. to block the contents of advertising.

11. Don't send Adsense ads via email. Of course, HTML format email can make Adsense JavaScript ads show, but it violates the planning policy. You can' t show the content of the ads in the mail, even if only once, and they're watching it.

12, audit your website content. Adsense doesn't allow pages like this to put ads:MP3, video, newsgroups, and image results.Eliminate pornography, hatred and violence, or illegal content.

13, don't change the output after clicking or searching the advertisement. Make sure you don' t change the site where the user clicks on the ad in any way. Do not use frames, minimize,redirect, or other display results that may change the advertising page or search page user clicks.

14, avoid too much advertising and keyword stack. Although this may be a special gray area and need consideration of reality,but now the Google advertising alliance has modified the advertising display mode, as long as you pay attention to the content and improve the flow can get more income than other advertisers, so do not need to put too much advertising. Keyword stuffing can make the goal of advertising is more accurate, but should not overdo sth. .

15. Make sure you support the language. Adsense supports "Chinese (Simplified) , Japanese, South Korea, Denmark, Holland,Norway, Poland, Finland, Portugal, Britain, France, Russia,Germany, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, Italy and Turkey". In addition,Adsense search advertising can support Czech, Chinese traditional. If your web pages don't support these languages,don' t use this kind of code.

16, each page, in the above described advertising unit, search box, and link unit, you can launch a similar recommend button.

17, do not put Google ads as alternate ads. When the target advertisement cannot be displayed, a few services allow you to prevent alternate advertising. It takes a simple HTML page to put the ad code in. Aadsense allows this link to show other ads rather than show public service ads, but never use Adsense ads as alternate ads. .

18. Do not place misleading pictures beside the advertising unit. This is a one click rate in order to improve the method which is widely used in the increase of the same type of images in the advertising text beside, this will give people the impression is that these pictures andadvertisement are related,and misleading or false advertising. You can' t insert a partition line or a space beside the picture and text advertisement. You have to make the layout of the advertising picture not easy to mislead or confuse your website users.






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