
sugarhosts  时间:2020-11-17  阅读:()


Add onion sweetened soybean paste, can be equipped with cucumber, radish, fermented flour paste a little pick with chopsticks, a major contributing factor in the lotus leaf on the cake, put a few films duck covered in the above, add onions on a few, radish or cucumber, the Netherlands Leaf roll up cake, is really very delicious.


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The way of making tea (1) For Black Tea Take utensils for brewing tea into consideration, there are two types; brewing by cups and in teapots. Many people like to brew Congon, black Souchong tea, tea bags and instant tea by cups; and other people prefer teapots to cups for tea broken, sifting and dust with a purpose of separating the dregs from the liquid. Speaking of additive, there are plain tea and tea with additives. Most people in China are ustomed to drink plain tea without any additives. In European and Amercian countries, people like to drink tea with milk and sugar added. Black tea can be prepared as a cool beverage. The usual way is that: pour luke warm water over instant tea to make a strong liquid, then pour the liquid into a glass filled with ice cubes, add honey or sugar to taste and one or two slices of lemon. Then a cup of cool beverage with sweet and acid taste is ready. (2)For Green Tea In China, most tea-drinkers drink their green tea in higher quality from glass cups to enjoy the crispy green color while savor the tea. For Mee tea and Gunpowder (Zhu tea) people like using the porcelain cups, the delicate tone of the cups, glaze enhancing the tone of tea. People living in other countries brew green tea in different ways. In Northwest Africa and Mali etc. People are fond of drinking tea with mint, by boiling tea then add two or three sprigs of fresh mint leaves and sugar and boil them together again. It makes a feature of refreshing and cool taste and keeps off the mental fatigue when savored. (3)For Oolong Tea People are particular concerned about the way of making Oolong tea. The utensils used for making tea form in plete sets named as “four treasures”, namely: Yui shu wei (kettle), Meng chen guan (teapot), Ro shen ou (cups) by pouring boiling water from Yu shu wei (kettle). Then put oolong tea leaves into the teapot about sox or seven tenths full and pour boiling water over the leaves and cover the teapot with its cap tightly. Pour hots water over the capped teapot to retain the heat. Brew for about half a minute then pour the tea liquid into cups usually four cups from each teapot. The tea liquid is poured into each cup only half full, one after another, then pour again until the cups filled about three fourths full. It ensures tea with even and unified flavor. This gives a bracing and lasting aroma while sipping it slowly. (4)For Scented Tea Scented tea is processed from green tea scented with fresh sweet-smelling jasmine flowers. Complemented with flowers of subtle scents the tea yields a kind of refined flavor. Having savored the Chinese jasmine tea, a foreign poet wrote a verse, saying: “I feel the flavor of spring, when I sip the the tea of jasmine.” Most tea-drinkers like to brew scented tea in porcelain cups with caps on them to keep the aroma from escaping. The way of making is quite simple: just put a tea-spoonful of tea leaves into a cup and pour over it boiling water then cover the cup with its cap for four or five minutes and the tea is ready to serve.


1、Silent Night。这首歌是奥地利一个小乡村的音乐老师Franz Gruber在18世纪写的,作词也来自当地一个教会的神父Franz Xaver Gruber。 2、Carol Of The Bells。这首歌是一首来自乌克兰的颂歌。1914年,乌克兰作曲家Mykola Leontovych创作了这首作品,它曾被乌克兰民间作为《Shchedryk》的歌名吟唱。 3、Jingle Bells。这首歌是一首圣诞歌曲,在中国改变成中文版的《铃儿响叮当》。它创作于1857年,是作曲家James Lord Pierpon为父亲的学生在感恩节写的歌。 4、Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy。《糖果仙子之舞》,是柴可夫斯基的芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》中的一段音乐。《胡桃夹子》芭蕾舞剧一直以来都是圣诞节的传统节目,老少皆宜,而且历演长久。 5、White Christmas。《白色圣诞节》这首歌由Bing Crosby演唱,是Irving Berlin1942年作词作曲的经典曲目,它还拥有有史以来最畅销单曲的吉尼斯世界纪录。

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