均衡器做音乐必备。非常全的专业效果器软件分类介绍 图形并茂 一位热心专业人士整理的。今天上传 你们有福了。

音乐上传  时间:2021-02-15  阅读:()


一位热心专业人士整理的。今天上传你们有福了。 .do

1、 TC出品的效果器插件包。 TC的这些VST效果插件一直都是被广泛使用.

TC Compressor DeEsser压缩、消唇齿音效果器

Compressor压缩效果可以这样理解就是把音频低的地方提升把高的地方下压 以便让音频整体的音量更均匀通


DeEsser我们一般翻译为消唇齿音效果也有叫嘶声消除器的。它可以通过调整压缩、 门限的参数来消除人声或乐器

4KHZ到8KHZ之间的嘶声。 比如唱歌时由口齿发出的唇齿音、箱琴在弹奏时发出的一些杂音。

中英文名词对照:Compressors/压缩、 attack time/起始时间、 threshold/门限、 release time/释放时间、 ratio/压缩

比例、 SoftKNEE/拐点柔软度、 Hard Time/硬的时间 SoftKNEE和Hard Time一起来设置拐点柔软度是硬还是软。 De-

Esser/嘶声消除。 (其他品牌的压缩效果器都大同小异不再重复解释实际运用后面章节叙述)

of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures toprevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company OfficeTel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department:7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipalwork safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focusconstruction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation forpurpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed ofmaterial production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans,and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While workingout the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly inaccordance with the standards and other regulations, constructionmanagement of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress managementplans construction of plane scientific management is the key to thescience of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in theproject schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advanceand retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure

that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out arealistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into acomputer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according tothe construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phasespublish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule,responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria.Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis,after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2)stress management construction plane managed by the project manager inoverall charge, project foreman, material, machine

TC Filtrator滤波效果器

简单来说Filtrator就是通过过滤某些频段和调整失真饱和度以及低频震荡来创造出一个全新的声音。 TC Filtrator滤波

效果器主要分为:FILTER滤波模块、 LFO低频震荡模块、 DRIVE失真度模块并在ENV FOLLOWER模块中调整相关参数值。如



中英文名词对照:Filter/滤波器、 LFO/低频震荡器、 Speed/速率、 Division/分界点、 Slope/倾斜值、 Attack/起始时间

、 HOLD/保持时间、 DECAY/衰变时间(其他品牌的滤波效果器也是大同小异不再重复叙述)

of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures toprevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company OfficeTel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department:7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipalwork safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focusconstruction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation forpurpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed ofmaterial production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans,and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While workingout the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly inaccordance with the standards and other regulations, constructionmanagement of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress managementplans construction of plane scientific management is the key to thescience of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in theproject schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advanceand retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure

that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out arealistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into acomputer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according tothe construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phasespublish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule,responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria.Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis,after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2)stress management construction plane managed by the project manager inoverall charge, project foreman, material, machine

TC Graphic EQ图形均衡效果器




图示均衡器参量均衡器和房间均衡器。 图示均衡器:也称图表均衡器通过面板上推拉键的分布可直观地反映出所


、 15段、 27段、 31段来进行调节。




房间均衡器用于调整房间内的频率响应特性曲线的均衡器 由于装饰材料对不同频率的吸收(或反射)量不同以及简


TC Graphic EQ就是一个图示均衡器它可以通过绘画似的方式调整各个频段一目了然非常的直观方便。能把EQ玩好

才能称的上是个好的混音师在后期缩混中 EQ是最重要的一个效果器。 (其他品牌的EQ效果器都大同小异不再重复


TC Limiter限制效果器


就是一个压限器。of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures toprevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company OfficeTel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department:7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipalwork safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focusconstruction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation forpurpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed ofmaterial production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans,

and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While workingout the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly inaccordance with the standards and other regulations, constructionmanagement of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress managementplans construction of plane scientific management is the key to thescience of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in theproject schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advanceand retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensurethat balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out arealistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into acomputer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according tothe construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phasespublish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule,responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria.Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis,after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2)stress management construction plane managed by the project manager inoverall charge, project foreman, material, machine

中英文名词对照:Reduction/缩减量、 Threshold/门限、 attack/起始时间、HOLD/保持时间、 Release/释放时间(其他


TC Native Reverb Plus混响效果器

Reverb混响是指围绕一个声音的声学环境。在我们生活中 自然混响到处都存在着。现代音乐中一般讲究录制不带有自

然混响的干声然后在软件或硬件的设备中加入合适的混响效果 以便达到我们的要求。古典音乐或歌剧通常在声学环



我们所使用的混响效果主要分为3类分别是:HALL大厅混响效果、 ROOM房间混响效果、 PLATE铁板混响效果(也译做金of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures toprevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company OfficeTel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department:7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipalwork safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focusconstruction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation forpurpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of

material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans,and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While workingout the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly inaccordance with the standards and other regulations, constructionmanagement of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress managementplans construction of plane scientific management is the key to thescience of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in theproject schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advanceand retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensurethat balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out arealistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into acomputer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according tothe construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phasespublish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule,responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria.Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis,after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2)stress management construction plane managed by the project manager inoverall charge, project foreman, material, machine

属板) 。大厅混响顾名思义模拟的是环境象剧院一样的混响效果房间混响模拟的是环境象是在一个房间中的混响效果




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