suspended翻译请问了解英国法律的高手,final year suspended是什么意思?是指“最后一年缓期执行吗”?具体什么意思啊

suspended翻译  时间:2020-12-19  阅读:()


This article elaborates our country to implement the suspension of sentence system's present situation and all sorts of concrete questions which and the malpractice on being suitable, at emphatically the inspection surveillance exists, affects legal the solemnity and judicature's fairness. Suspends sentence the question which in view of our country in the system exists, from aspects and so on suspension of sentence suitable condition, suitable procedure proposed that the standard perfect suggestion, suppresses effectively to suspension of sentence abusiveness, enables the suspension of sentence the significance to display fully.


这段话出自于十九世纪英国思想家约翰·密尔的《论自由》,要翻译上文必须补全相关,不然译文不易下笔,因为您贴在这里的只是部分片段,在意思的表达上未能形成全面。原文如下:There have been, and may again be, great individual thinkers, in a general atmosphere of mental slavery. But there never has been, nor ever will be, in that atmosphere, an intellectually active people. Where any people has made a temporary approach to such a character, it has been because the dread of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended. 对于这一段话翻译时,可以先将状语in a general atmosphere of mental slavery提前,而后再由头至尾逐个译来:“在精神奴役的一般氛围中”,There have been“曾经有过”,and may again be“且亦会再有”great individual thinkers,“伟大的个别思想家”,注意从But开始句意有了转折,这时可依旧将状语in that atmosphere提前与but合译“但在那种氛围中”,接下来处理 there never has been“却从未有过”,nor ever will be,“也永远不会出现”,an intellectually active people.(一种)智力活跃的民众。Where any people has made a temporary approach to such a character一句中的Where字面义为“哪里”这里根据句意可理解为“任何......的地方”any people has made a temporary approach to such a character“任何国民若曾经暂时接近于这种特征描述”(注意这段话含带有假设意味),it has been because the dread of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended. 那是因为对于异端思想的恐惧曾暂告中止。 如此再作一番细微调整、措辞,就形成了这样的译文: 在精神奴役的一般氛围中,曾经有过且亦会再有伟大的个别思想家,但在那种氛围中,却从未有过且也永远不会出现智力活跃的民众。倘见任何国民曾暂时接近于这一特征描述,那(只)是因为其对于异端思想的恐惧曾暂告中止。

请问了解英国法律的高手,final year suspended是什么意思?是指“最后一年缓期执行吗”?具体什么意思啊

是 具体是指 比如Hadnott, who faced a maximum sentence of 15 years in jail, will be imprisoned for three years, with the final year of his sentence suspended.即将被监禁3年,最后1年暂停处罚,进入假释状态,如无违规,则不再执行刑罚。

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