
网络资源  时间:2021-06-02  阅读:()


As in recent years the popularity puter work the rapid development of young people began to contact and use puters,and many people to the as their leisure is an important part of life.The modern age is the information age,is the work change people's work,study,living,reading and thinking work has brought to people is a vast new space.At the same time,work that the "double-edged sword," the negative impact it deserves our vigilance and attention.Some young friends,but because of excessive absenteeism or delay the work of cafes,and some young friends,watching the pornographic websites affect their physical and mental health,and some use of cyber crime,and some even sudden death at cafes. How to use work,how to fully understand work,how to properly use work,how to enhance our ability to judge and analyze how to improve our ability to use and control,plex and works and cultural information is not lost?I believe that majority of youngsters from following aspects: l,work's flexibility can be mobilized to study and work motivation. In the teaching process,teachers "teach" and "learning" is a two-way activity.Teachers learn how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students has always been a thorny issue.Currently,some schools deepen the educational reform,breaking the traditional teaching mode,use work classroom.So even if teachers are able to abstract the content presentation method and by direct exchanges of students to achieve clear results; also give students the purpose,or random in search of information,generated strong interest in learning,mobilized the enthusiasm of learning.In addition,the flexibility of work to bring the work of many simple plex,but also can improve the efficiency and quality. 2,work can improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking. Many youngsters just beginning to learn puter,not to move the contents of puter on,with the increase of knowledge to enable them to broaden the way of thinking,learn to identify problems in the use of,and to find ways to solve the problem,so improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking. 3,work of information-rich resources to bring easy to learn and work. puter assisted learning software,quality education information dynamic,the latest teaching and research achievements,online check national,provincial and municipal policies,documents,online ess to journal data,online reading e-books,etc.,huge and rich information resources classroom teaching content and an plement to the work of reference. 4,fully aware of the negative function of work is not conducive to young people. Negative function of its main features:First,work learning environment,the dilution of the parents and teachers,"you are the norm," the educational role,the young people the value of plex and diverse culture of lack of information and analysis to judge the correct result,Some young people have been seriously hurt physical and mental health,what is more obsessed with online games while the sudden death due to cafes.Second,work learning environment,teachers and parents to play down the "person supervisory" role,some young people addicted to the and abandoned by their studies,some because of economic reasons,into crime.Third,fully aware of the dangers of works e increasingly in-depth,online information resources has e increasingly diverse,and increasingly in the areas of information widely,many of them large to state secrets,military intelligence,enterprise planning,economic intelligence,small to securities investment,personal credit cards,privacy and other aspects of life.As work's openness,work operating system currently existing in the various security holes,making a number of people attempting to illegally obtain confidential criminals from taking advantage.Computer hackers works,steal military secrets,tampering with bank ounts,personal credit card theft,etc.illegal activities have seriously endangered the whole of mankind. Majority of youngsters from the two sides of things,to understand work,enabling full use of one hand,to avoid damaging the one hand,against our correct understanding of work,the correct use of work,make full use of work,work for our learning,work and life services.


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XP系统在默认的情况下, Guest账户是被禁用的,这样局域网中的其它机子就无法访问该机器的共享资源,因此必须启用Guest账户。

查看Guest账号是否已启用的方法如下: 1. 右键单击桌面的“我的电脑”,单击“管理”,打开“计算机管理”窗口。

2. 依次展开“计算机管理(本地)— 系统工具 — 本地用户和组 — 用户”,找到Guest账户。


3. 右键单击Guest账号,单击“属性”打开Guest属性窗口。

在Guest属性对话框中,分别去除“用户不能更改密码”、“密码永不过期”和 “账户已停用”的勾选标记,然后单击“确定”,即可启用Guest账户。


查看本地安全策略是否阻止Guest从网络访问这台计算机以及本地安全策略“空密码用户只能进行控制台登陆”是启用的的方法如下: 1. 单击“开始”—“运行”,在“打开”中输入“gpedit.msc”并点击“确定”,打开组策略窗口。

2. 在组策略窗口中依次展开“本地计算机策略 — 计算机配置 — Windows设置→安全设置 — 本地策略 — 用户权利指派”,在右栏中找到“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”项,打开后删除其中的Guest账号,接着打开“从网络访问此计算机”项,在属性窗口中添加Guest账号。


3. 默认情况下,xp的本地安全策略-用户权限指派里,“空密码用户只能进行控制台登陆”是启用的,空密码的任何帐户都不能从网络访问,只能本地登陆,而guest默认空密码,所以必须“禁用”这项设置。






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