
remove是什么意思  时间:2021-06-29  阅读:()

英文 temporary 是什么意思.?



Administrative Leave What is administrative leave? Administrative leave is a general term for temporary removal from a job assignment. An employee on administrative leave continues to receive pay and benefits during the leave, which can be as short as a day or as long as several months, depending on the circumstances. While it is mon for an employee placed on administrative leave to be directed to go home and remain there during the leave, in some cases, a district might instead temporarily reassign an employee. When do districts use administrative leave? Most often, school districts place employees on administrative leave when students, parents or co-workers make allegations of misconduct against them. It is the policy of many districts to remove the employee from the situation while investigating the allegations. When the allegations are inflammatory or e public knowledge, administrative leave can also be beneficial for the employee. Gossip might die down more quickly when the employee is not there to remind people of the situation. A school district might also place an employee on administrative leave pending the resolution of a criminal case, even when the case is not directly school related, such as a DWI charge. What happens during the leave period? During administrative leave, the district investigates the allegation, which may include conducting interviews with students or other employees who might have relevant information and consulting attorneys about how to proceed. Meanwhile, a reassigned employee may be expected to work and perform the duties assigned to him; an employee who was sent home might be asked to check in regularly and be available during regular work hours for conferences related to the investigation. What should an employee do if placed on administrative leave? The employee should follow any directives given regarding duties or assig




如:He was removed from his post.(解职、解雇) He removed his coat.(脱掉、除去)。

Don't move.(别动。

)He moved to another city.(搬迁、移居)当然,它们还有其他很多意思,但对词汇的把握关键在于对“根意”的把握,而不是企望记住所有意思,既不现实,也没必要。


remove 英[ri?mu:v] 美[r??muv] 过去式:removed 过去分词:removed 现在分词:removing vt. 1.移走; 排除; 移开; 拿开; 去掉 2.开除; 免除, 解除(职务等) 3.脱去(衣服等);摘下 4. 去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失 vi. 1.迁移; 移居 n. 1.距离;差距;间距 及物动词 vt. 1.移走; 排除; 移开; 拿开; 去掉 He removed the picture and put it in the drawer. 他把画取下来, 放到抽屉里。

2.开除; 免除, 解除(职务等) They removed him from his position. 他们撤销了他的职务。

3.脱去(衣服等);摘下 4. 去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失 不及物动词 vi. 1.迁移; 移居 Our office has removed. 我们的机关迁移了。

名词 n. 1.距离;差距;间距

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