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The actual height of the glass block was measured using a laser displacement sensor (LB-1000 - Keyence Inc.). 玻璃块的实际高度用一个激光位移传感器(LB-1000-Keyence Inc.)测量。A total of 16 points spaced at equal intervals of 10 mm were measured on the block surface. 玻璃块表面上测量了总共16个以10 mm的等间隔隔开的点。 The mean height value was 14.99 mm with a standard deviation of 0.05 mm. 平均高度值为14.99mm,标准偏差为0.05mm。The mean height of the block was used to determine the relationship between θ and L mm by calculating the projection angle at every matched coordinate pair on the block and the background. 玻璃块的平均高度被用来通过计算玻璃块和背景上每一匹配的坐标对处的投影角,确定θ和L mm之间的关系。A mean scaling factor of 0.266 mm/pixel (determined by calibration) was applied to convert the pixelcoordinates to millimeters. 我们采用0.266mm/像素的平均比例因子(通过定标确定),将像素坐标转换为mm。The difference between the matched pixel distances gives the value of δx. Using the value of δx and height h (14.99 mm), the value of projection angle θ at each pixel on the block was obtained using Eq. (1). 匹配的像素距离之间的差异给出了δx值。利用δx值和高度h(14.99mm)玻璃块上每一像素处的投影角θ的值就可用式(1)获得。The projection angle θ and distance L along the block were plotted as shown in Fig. (5). 投影角θ和沿玻璃块的距离L绘制图5中。The plot shows that θ is not constant but varies from 58.3° to 60.7°. 该曲线图表明,θ不是恒定的,而是从58.3°到60.7°变化的。 This variation is suspected to be due to the random noise in the image. 据猜想,这一变化是由于图像中的随机噪声引起的。The data were fitted with a least-squares line (shown dashed) whose equation is given by: 这些数据用一条最小二乘线(示为虚线)来拟合,它的方程式如下:(一个数学公式,跳过) Eq. (4) was used to calculate the projection angle at each point on the surface of a tilted block and, hence, to determine its tilt. 式(4)用于计算倾斜的玻璃块表面上每一点的投影角,并以此而确定其倾角。A 1.9 mm slip gage was placed at the edge of the block to introduce the tilt. 玻璃块的边缘幅值一个1.9mm的滑移量规以引入倾角。It was assumed that the block with the tilt has the same relationship θ-L as that of a block without tilt. 我们假设,带有该倾角的玻璃块与没有倾角的玻璃块具有相同的θ-L关系。This assumption was made because the projection angles differ slightly in the vertical direction as well. 做出这样的假设是因为投影角垂直方向也稍有不同。The projection angle variation on the tilted surface can be determined if the tilt is known, but tilt is the unknown parameter in the measurement. 如果倾角已知,那么倾斜表面上投影角的变化就可被确定,不过倾角测量中是一个未知参数。 The height variation of the tilted glass block calculated by using the phase shifting technique was verified using the laser displacement sensor. 用相位偏移技术计算得到的倾斜玻璃块的高度变化,用激光位移传感器做了验证。The height of the tilted block was measured at a total of 16 points spaced at equal intervals of 10 mm. 倾斜玻璃块的高度总共16个以10mm的等间隔隔开的点上做了测量。The height data of the tilted block for both the phase-shifting technique and laser measurement were linear fitted and are shown in Fig. 6. 对于相位偏移技术和激光测量来说,倾斜玻璃块的高度数据都是线性拟合的,并被始于图6。The gradient of the graphs were used to calculate the tilt angle of the block. 曲线图的斜率被用于计算玻璃块的倾角。The tilt angle calculated using the phase shift technique was 1.01°, whereas the angle measured using the laser instrument was 0.76°. 用相位偏移技术计算的倾角为1.01°,而用激光仪器测得的角度为0.76°。 The difference of 33% is suspected to be due to the random noise in the image and the use of pound in bonding the eight pieces of glass together to form the bock, thus causing non-uniformity in surface flatness of each layer. 我们怀疑,33%的差别是由于图像中的随机噪声,以及将8片玻璃片黏结一起形成块时,采用了黏结化合物,因此引起了每一层表面平坦度的不均匀而造成的。The subsequent experiments were, therefore, carried out on solid glass blocks to reduce the measurement error. 因此,其后的实验是对实心玻璃块进行,以减小测量的误差。

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