在 线翻译英语翻译成汉语

在 线翻译  时间:2022-03-03  阅读:()


1 in order on the basis that print the uracy and in all 99.5% delivery of the book printing and special goods shipment oddment make eye-catching marker, shipment ready remind relevant personnel, to ensure the uracy of the shipment.

2, strengthen and TOMS system analysis munication, ensure print orders received delivery information CS and matters needing attention of integrity. The handover document (E-mail and double confirmation)

3, further enhance the transport, storage, understand the familiar business processes, and so ready to deal with emergencies.

Four time, work, and constantly perfect self inspection work, once a month to finish the improvement plan.

5, guarantee the uracy in inventory form in customer 98%, within the time limit set by the former finish daily 17:00.

6 and TFTM received new early see table after more statistics and updated timely delivery warehouses with other departments to confirm list to share resources, convenient and other parts for further arrangement.

7 and can at any time TFTM should appear after delivery, postpone shipment was wrong, the supply of goods related to lift regularity TOMS system operation

8 and skilled inventory operation, plete the above a business backup.

9, strengthen munication of customers. Especially for the Toyota TOMS system related to munication


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