account not in this store帮忙翻译一下,紧急!!!

account not in this store  时间:2022-02-02  阅读:()


美国金融危机是由次级贷款危机造成的。 什么是那笔贷款? 它怎么由最近金融危机触发? 所谓的贷款的会议,贷款不是根据贷款的条件。 最大的银行的正式将军不会做这生意,小银行做着。 这些小银行包装这些贷款,安全性,在(所谓的财政衍生物)得到市场卖和慢慢地入大银行以后,在线的手的大表决。 当经济减速时,一些不符合贷款借户的条件不在贷款,危机开始出现,但是由于这些非常小量的贷款,因此美国政府的起点不似乎介意想法,但是爆发逐个带领了更加伟大危机,信用危机。 美国是严厉信用,说白色在经常往来帐户以后今天花费明天金钱,第一。 信用危机发生了,导致社会动荡,是美国政府预计。 几天前前联邦储蓄会主席Alan Greenspan承认了此。 他的任期在问题的发现的上,而是他不可能认为这样一个严重的问题。 所以,金融危机在美国实际上是信用危机。 所以,美国政府在700,000,000,000必须画抢救市场的更加金钱,二接收了屋子将被加倍延长偿还期间。 作为美国经济,占世界的四分之一,它是同一次危机对它的贸易对象传播,反之触发一次全球性金融危机。

电信错误代码731是怎么回事 怎么解决 谢谢


602 The port is already open. This error usually urs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. You may also receive this error if you attempt to connect when WinPoET is already connected. 602错误,端口已经打开。原因:计算机上没有安装拨号网络,或连接已经连接。 604 Wrong information specified. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 604错误,你输入了不正确的用户名或密码。 617 The port or device is already disconnecting. This error usually urs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 617错误,端口已经断开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 618 The port is not open. This error usually urs on Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC. 618错误,端口没有打开。原因计算机没有拨号网络。 619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected. This error could indicate a problem with your In Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance. 619错误,ISP错误,联系ISP以寻求帮助。 621 Cannot open the phone book file. This error urs on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server. To resolve the problem, go the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only. 621错误,不能打开电话本。解决:修改RAS的设置,使虚拟网卡可以拨出。 622 Cannot load the phone book file. Same as error 621. 622错误,不能加载电话本。 623 Cannot find the phone book entry. Same as error 621. 623错误,没找到电话本 624 Cannot write the phone book file. Same as error 621. 624错误,不能写电话本文件 625 Invalid information in the phone book. Same as error 621. 625错误,电话本中含有无效信息。 629 The port was disconnected by the remote machine. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 629错误,连接被远程计算机中断。原因;你输入了不正确的用户和密码,或连接是无效的(电缆被拔出) 630 The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. This error urs if you try to connect when Win.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. 630错误,硬件故障。 631 The port was disconnected by the user. You clicked Cancel on the WinPoET Dialer dialog box. 631错误,连接被用户中断。 633 The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote ess dial out. On Windows 95/98, refer to error number 602 for information. On Windows NT 4.0, refer to error number 621 for information. 633错误,端口正被使用。 634 Cannot register puter on the work. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?There is a problem with your ISP. Contact them for assistance. 634错误,不能在远程网络注册你的计算机。原因;你输入了错误的用户和密码,或ISP问题。 645 Internal authentication error. Typically, this error urs if you have not appended your user name with the correct AC-specified context. ?OR ?No dial-up adapter is installed. See Installing the iVasion PoET Adapter for Windows NT. 645错误,内部认证错误。 646 The ount is not permitted to log on at this time of day. Your ount is time-restricted. Try again during your designated time period. 646错误,帐号此时不可使用,你的帐号有使用时间限制。 647 The ount is disabled. Your ount is disabled. Contact your ISP for assistance. 647错误,帐号被禁止。 648 The password has expired. Your password has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 648错误,密码已经到期。 649 The ount does not have Remote ess permission. You probably have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 649错误,帐号没有远程访问许可, 651 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 651错误,MODEM或连接设备报告错误。 652 Unrecognized response from the device. You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again. 652错误,无效的设备应答。 665 The port is not configured for Remote ess. This error urs under Windows NT (WKS or SVR). The solution is to go into the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only, as well as the TCP/IP protocol only. 665错误,端口未被配置为可使用RAS。 691 ess denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. 691错误,访问拒绝,因为用户或密码在域上无效。 692 Hardware failure in port or attached device. This error urs if you try to connect when Win.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again. ?OR ?On Windows NT, you may have reinstalled WinPoET without removing the previous installation adapters. 692错误,硬件错误。 708 The ount has expired. Your ount has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance. 708错误,帐号已经到期。 711 RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log. This error may ur on Windows NT. Reapply the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack. 711错误,RAS管理初始化失败。 718 PPP timeout. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 718错误,PPP超时。原因:用户密码错误或连接无效。 719 PPP terminated by remote machine. Although a valid connection is detected, it is not working. Contact your ISP for assistance. 719错误,PPP被远程机器中断。原因;虽然检测到有效的连接,但该连接不可工作,联系ISP请求帮助。 720 No PPP control protocols configured. This error is generated when there is an ess Concentrator (AC) problem with your ISP; contact them for assistance. 720错误,没有PPP控制协议。该错误产生于ISP的AC(访问集中器)故障。联系ISP。 721 Remote PPP peer is not responding. You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again. ?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged). 721错误,远程PPP没有响应。 734 The PPP link control protocol has been terminated. This error urs on Windows NT if NetBIOS is not installed. In the Network applet of the Control Panel, install the NetBIOS Interface service. 734错误,PPP连接控制协议被终止。该错误通常发生在NT中没有安装NETBIOS时。 735 The requested address was rejected by the server. You may have entered an IP address in the phone book entry. Remove the IP address and try again. 735错误,请求的地址被服务器拒绝。 739 The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password. You may have selected an NT encrypted password in the phone book entry. Clear this check box and try again. 739错误,远程服务器不能使用加密口令。你可能选择了加密口令,请使用明文或可被服务器接受的口令方式。 751 Error urred during dialing. Error code = 751. Extended error code = 0. Both dial -up adapters are already in use by other connections. 751错误,拨号时发生错误。原因;所有的拨号网络都在被其他连接使用。 752 Error urred during dialing. Error code = 752. Extended error code = 0. This error urs if the TCP/IP bindings have been removed from the card. To resolve the problem, restart puter. 752错误,拨号时发生错误。原因:网卡上TCP/IP协议绑定被删除了。 说明:本错误代码是WINDOWS拨号网络的通用错误,适用范围是一切拨号网络,包括ADSL的WINPOET虚拟拨号


从办公桌詹姆斯威廉先生 (分公司经理) 非洲开发银行阿克拉,加纳 尊敬的致意



我是詹姆斯威廉先生,科与非洲开发银行在加纳首都阿克拉经理。我有在我通过网络搜索您的信息。我48岁,已婚 2可爱的孩子。它可能有兴趣听听,我是一个爱好和平的人,不想的问题,但我不知道你会觉得这一点,但我告诉你,这是真实的,


我已经打包的金融交易,与非洲开发银行在加纳首都阿克拉分行经理,这将有益于我们俩,它是我的职责是在财务报告发送给我的总部设在首都阿克拉,加纳在每年年底。在2009年年底的年度报告最后几年中,我发现我拍了几支约180 十五万美元[$ 10,850.000.00]这我不知道总公司和永远不会知道,也不能知道我在本次交易有关。

 我后来放在我们所说的没有任何受益人暂记帐本基金。作为银行工作人员,我不能直接连接到这笔钱,所以这告诉我 我们与您联系的工作,让您可以帮助收到此款项存入您的银行帐户为我们分享,而你将有资金总额的30%。请注意有几乎没有风险参与,这将是银行为银行转帐,我需要你是站在作为本基金是谁与我们的分支机构,以便存入我的总公司可以责令原存款人的索赔到您指定的银行帐户转帐。如果你接受这个提议和我一起工作,我将非常感激。当我收到您的一种反应,我会给你我们可以实现它成功。

此致, 詹姆斯威廉先生。


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恒创科技也有暑期的活动,其中香港服务器也有一定折扣,当然是针对新用户的,如果我们还没有注册过或者可以有办法注册到新用户的,可以买他们家的香港服务器活动价格,2M带宽香港云服务器317元。对于一般用途还是够用的。 活动链接:恒创暑期活动爆款活动均是针对新用户的。1、云服务器仅限首次购买恒创科技产品的新用户。1 核 1G 实例规格,单个账户限购 1台;其他活动机型,单个账户限购 3 台(必须在一个订单...

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