cybermonday英语作文 网上购物的好处或坏处

cybermonday  时间:2020-11-17  阅读:()

cyber monday什么意思

cyber monday n.每星期网上疯狂购物的一天,(在美国,商店通常在星期一列出大折扣的商品,发布在网上,为了吸引顾客) Cyber Monday是最近几年来,随着网络购物日渐普及之后,逐渐流行起来的一个名词。其中的Monday,指的是感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日,礼拜一。


“网络星期一”是由营销公司为了说服人们在网上购物而创造的《网络星期一的含义与发展史》。这个词是由Ellen Davis 和Scott Silverman创造的,并于2005年11月28日在的新闻发布会上首次亮相,“网络星期一”迅速成为年度最大的在线购物日之一。——跨境百科


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closing-capital 封闭资本 双语例句 1 Companies are having difficulty in raising capital. 各公司融资困难。 2 While online shoppers were gobbling up e-deals on Cyber Monday, Amazon once againdemonstrated its appetite for capital. 就在消费者们忙着在感恩节后的“网购星期一”(Cyber Monday)活动中血拼时,亚马逊(Amazon)再次展现了它对资本的胃口。


黑色星期五(Black Friday) 黑色星期五是感恩节的第二天,也就是11月的最后一个星期五,这一天是美国人圣诞节前的大采购日。美国的商场都会推出大量的打折和优惠活动,以在年底进行最后一次大规模的促销。因为美国的商场一般以红笔记录赤字,以黑笔记录盈利,疯狂的抢购使得商场利润大增,因此被称作"黑色星期五"。 以前黑五促销主要以实体百货为主,据说是因为周五这天一大早,所有人都要摸着黑冲到商场排队买便宜货。随着网络电子商务的发展,越来越多的大促搬到了网上,大家足不出户就可抢购,也给了我们海淘的机会,分享美帝的节日果实。 需要注意的是,美国的黑色星期五一般从零点就开始了,也就是我们11月23日(明天)下午的三四点钟,我们海淘比美国人还有优势啊! 网购星期一(Cyber Monday) 网购星期一是美国感恩节后的第一个星期一,大约从2000年开始,美国亚马逊、eBay等电商会在这一天推出大规模促销活动,成为“黑色星期五”的电商版本,就是真正的网购节。 本年的网购星期一就是我们下周的周一周二,26日(下午四点开始)至27日。 网购星期一后,然后就要等到圣诞促销了,再然后,就要明年了。

英语作文 网上购物的好处或坏处

Everyone gets excited whenever they hear or read the word “discount” in any shopping malls or online websites. They get more excited if the discounts reach more than 50%. Ever since marketing was introduced to the world, many merchants create their online retail stores and from time to time they give online discounts on selected items to attract clients to visit and buy the products they are selling in their website. There are 5 major online events that Merchants will offer online discounts; Valentine’s Day Sale – Valentine’s Day is a time of the year where romance is in the air. There are many hopeless romantic people in the world that would love to buy any online products that they can give to their special someone. There are also some people who will book hotels for a one night romantic getaway. Many restaurants will also give discount coupons online during this season so as the different Spa and massage centers. In this day, hotels, restaurants, Spa’s, and the different products ranging from clothes, garment to consumable products like perfume and etc. will give special discount online to any interested buyers. Summer Sale – There are many merchants who offer special online discounts during summer. Many online shoppers will book tickets for a summer get away and avail any flight discounts that they could find. Hotels and resorts are also giving special discount during this season. Beach and outdoor wears are often put on sale to any merce website. Back To School – In this season many online entrepreneurs will give special online discounts to online shoppers who are looking for a bargain sale online. Many shoppers will search the different websites that offer special discounts for garments, digital and electronic gadgets and other supplies needed for school. Black Friday – Black Friday is one of the most awaited events in the U.S and online. Many products from digital, electronics, garments, kitchen wares, and etc. are given special discounts from different merchants in the malls or online. This event is very popular especially to digital and electronic products since some merchants will offer discounts that reach up to 60% off. Cyber Monday – Cyber Monday is an event after Black Friday and the discounts focuses more on Digital and Electronic products. This day is the last day where people can buy marked down prices of their favourite appliances and gadgets. During Cyber Monday, some discounts are raised 10-20% higher on selected items. This is the main reason why Cyber Monday is considered to be one of the most awaited online events of the year. Christmas Sale – Christmas is the most awaited event of the year. Many online merchants give huge discounts to anyone who will buy items on their website. All kinds of products are given special discounts during this holiday season that is why many shoppers will prefer to buy products online. Online discounts are regularly given by many online merchants. However these 5 major events are considered to be the most popular event since the discounts given are much higher than the regular days.

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