英语The Boasting Traveller-英语故事-寓言故事-

boasting  时间:2021-04-16  阅读:()

The Boasting Travel ler

更多英语故事-寓言故事-请点击这里获得A man once went abroad on his travels, and when he came home he hadwonderful tales to tell of the things he had done in foreign countries.Among other things, he said he had taken part in a jumping-match atRhodes, and had done a wonderful jump which no one could beat. "Justgo to Rhodes and ask them,"he said; "every one will tell you it's true."But one of those who were listening said, "If you can jump as well as allthat,we needn't go to Rhodes to prove it.Let's just imagine this is Rhodesfor a minute:and now--j ump!"

Deeds,not words.

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