图标鼠标经过图片变色代码实例(Mouse color change through the picture code examples)

鼠标图片  时间:2021-04-19  阅读:()

鼠标经过图片变色代码实例Mouse color change through thepicture code examples

Two ways to change color of mouse through picture:

First kind:

<script language= "JavaScript" >

<! --

Function makevisible (cur, which) {

If (which==0)







<img src=, /images/logo.gif, style=, filter:alpha

(opacity=100) , onmouseover=, makevisible (this, 0) ,onmouseout=, makevi sible (this, 1) >

Second kinds:

<SCR IPT LANGUAGE= "JavaSc r ip t" >

< - Begin

If ( (navigator.appName. indexOf ('Microsoft' ) , +1)) {Document.write ('<style, type=, text/css) , .Opacity1,

{filter:alpha (opacity=50) , } , .Opacity2, {f ilter:alpha(opacity=100) , } , </style>' ) }

If ( (navigator.appName. indexOf ('Netscape' ) , +1) ) {

Document.write ('<style, type=, text/css, >.Opacity1,{-moz-opacity:0. 5} , .Opacity2, {-moz-opacity: 1} , </style>' ) }{else

Document.write (' ' ) ; }

/ / End /


<img, src=, /images/logo.gif, width=, 109, height=, 73,border=, 0, class=, opacity2, onmouseover=,this.className='opacity1' "

Onmouseout= "thi s.className='opacity2' " >

A little while ago to see an article "using CSS3 imitationwindow7 start menu", the dynamic effect only using the CSS3implementation of the Windows 7 start menu in the text, has longbeen attracted to WPF/Silverlight mountain scenery, not toother mountains are also fun. Then, a whim, also try to do aWindows 7 desktop effects, first see a few screenshots.Desktop program, mouse, Hover effect:

Taskbar program, mouse Hover effect:

Start menu effect:

Desktop Icon

The desktop background and program icons are structured asfollows:

<div id= "win" >

<ul id= "app" >


<a href= "#" >

<img src= "images/computer.png" / > ><br




<a href= "#" >

<img src= "images/recycle.png" / > ><brRecycle Bin</a>



<a href= "#" >

<img src= "images/network.png" / > ><brNetwork</a>




Add background pictures to desktop <div>:#win


Background-image: URL (images/win7bg. jpg) ;

Background-posit ion: center;

Width: 880px;

Height: 550px;

Border: #ffffff 1px solid;


To add mouse Hover dynamic effects to desktop application icons,text-shadow is used to set the application text shading effect,and -webkit-border-radius to set the border fillet:



Float: left;

Text-align: center;

Margin: -15px 00 -30px;

List-style: none;


#app a


Text-decoration: none;

Border: solid 1px transparent;

Display: block;

Padding: 3px;

Margin: 20px 000;

Color: #ffffff;

Text-shadow: , 0.2em, 0. 1em, 0.3em, #000000;}

#app a:hover


Border: solid 1px #bbd6ec;

-webkit-border-radius: 3px;

Box-shadow: inset 00 1px #fff;

-webkit-box-shadow: inset 00 1px #fff;

Background-color: #5caae8;


Taskbar icon

Here is the HTML code for the taskbar structure:<div id= "taskbar" >

<a href= "#" id= "start" ></a>

<a href= "#" style= "left: 60px" >

<img src= "images/ie.png" / >


<a href= "#" style= "left: 120px" >

<img src= "images/library.png" / >


<a href= "#" style= "left: 180px" >

<img src= "images/mp.png" / >


< a href = "#" style = "left: 240px" >

< img src = "images / live.png" / >

< / a >

< a href = "#" style = "left: 300px" >

< img src = "images / outlook.png" / >

< / a >

< div id = "desktop" > < / div >

< / div >

首先来看看开始菜单图标如何设置,通过hover操作变换s t ar t.b mp显示位置,达到图标发亮效果.

# taskbar # s tart

{position: absolute;text - align: center;integral part: 57px;height: 46px;background: url (images / start.bmp) 0 - 6px well - repeat;


# taskbar # start: hover

{text - decoration: none;background - pos ition: 0 - 114px;



#广州中维财税http: / / 101. 1. 28. 14 / taskbar

{height: 42px;integral part: 880px;margin: - 42px 0 0 1px;background: url (images / taskbarbg.png) well - repeat;}

# taskbar img


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