网关ROS_网吧电信光纤固定IP网关 网通ADSL动态IP网关(双线)

双线双ip  时间:2021-01-13  阅读:()

ROS_网吧电信光纤固定IP网关网通ADSL动态IP网关(双线)Suitable for optical fiber with ADSL (zero dropped night can Telecom Netcom supplemented)

I am from the online tutorials, compared with the test, walked a lot of detours, and try to make the script simple and practical.

Telecommunications fiber optic data are as follows:

IP address: 111. 111. 111. 111/30

Gateway address: 111. 111. 111. 112

Network Name: CTC

CNC ADSL data:

Account number: ADSL

P as swor d: XXXXXX

Network Name: CNC

LAN data:

Routing intranet IP (intranet gateway) : 192. 168.0. 1/24Network Name: LAN

ROS installation (Baidu, yeah, everywhere)

Impl ementation

1, in/ip address configuration network IP, fiber optic Telecom IP

/ IP address

Add, address=192. 168.0. 1/24, interface=lan, comment=, "Lan""Add, address=111. 111. 111. 111/30, interface=ctc, comment=,"CTC""

2, configure the ADSL line

/interface pppoe-client configure ADSL dialing information.Let ADSL pull it up

/interface pppoe-client

Add, name=pppoe-out1, interface=cnc, user=adsl,password=xxxxxx

After ROS dial-up success, you will get ADSL dynamic IP and dynamic gateway, access to the gateway is ip->address in the interface=pppoe-out1 network entries.

For example, the dial up IP is the address gateway in and the 222. 222.222. 221 in the network

3. configure IP camouflage (shared Internet access)

/ip, firewall, src-nat, add, action, masquerade

4. conf igure routing (Gateway)

Default Telecom gateway 111. 111. 111. 112

The gateway for marking telecommunication is "CTC". The gateway of CNC is "CNC", and the standby gateway is "ADSL" (used when switching lines)

CNC gateway casually add anti ADSL drop line, the foot has been automatically modified it

/ IP route

Add, dst-address=, gateway=111. 111. 111. 112,comment=, "CTC""

Add, dst-address=, gateway=222.222.222. 221,comment=, CNC, check-gateway=ping, rout ing-mark=cnc

Add, dst-address=, gateway=222.222.222. 221,comment=, "ADSL", disable=yes

5. add CNC routing table.

Chengdu network (cnc1n.rsc download address:http://www.mikrotik.com.cn/down.asp in MikroTik RouterOS 2.9new telecommunications network script download)

The routing table is now more route rule add rules, the resource occupation is relatively small, previously added directly in /route requires each rule to enable the check-gateway function,repeat too much operation. Now only one gateway rule opens the check-gateway function to implement gateway detection and reduces the operation step.

Fix and add some new telecom and CNC addresses.


Added ADSL to automatically switch the gateway' s task (to prevent ADSL from dropping scripts)

(take the IP address dynamic (Network) gateway to modify the gateway in IP route)

: local oldip

: local newip

Set newip, [/ip, address, [/ip, get, address, find, dynamic=yes,interface=pppoe-out 1] network]

Set, oldip, [/ip, route, get, [/ip, route, find, comment=cnc],gateway]

: if ($newip = = $oldip) do={

/ip, route, set, [/ip, route, f ind, comment=cnc] ,gateway=$newi p


Dynamic=yes (ADSL runs strong) dynamic=no (ADSL does not run strong)

Now you can access Telecom, Telecom Access, CNC Netcom

7. after the automatic switching optical fiber telecommunications dropped into the ADSL line (by night)Netcom Configuration / tool netwatch is used to monitor the on-off of the network

/ tool netwatch

Add, host=111. 111. 111. 112, timeout=1s, interval=1m,up-script=dxup, down-script=dxdown

Add the following script

Dxup (Telecom on line)

Dxdown (Telecom drop line)

Dxup (Telecom on line)

/ip, route, disable, [/ip, route, find, comment=adsl]/ip, route, enable, [/ip, route, f ind, comment=ctc]

/ip, route, enable, [/ip, route, f ind, comment=cnc]

Dxdown (Telecom drop line)

: local adslwg

: set, adslwg, [/ip, address, get, [/ip, address, f ind, ,dynamic=yes, interface=pppoe-out1] , network]

/ip, route, set, [/ip, route, f ind, comment=adsl],gateway=$adslwg

/ip, route, disable, [/ip, route, find, comment=ctc]

/ip, route, disable, [/ip, route, find, comment=cnc]

/ip, route, enable, [/ip, route, f ind, comment=adsl]

Enable enable disable disable (stop) remove removal

Disable=no enable disable=yes disable

The disable=no command means "no". "NO" stands for not prohibiting YES from importing the script, but it is forbidden and does not enable him

The principle of optical fiber and ADSL line switch is automatically disabled when the fiber dropped after routing and Netcom ADSL fiber-optic telecommunications shunting route,activate standby Netcom ADSL (single) (dynamic routing gateway script will automatically detect) . When the fiber recovery

after the disable Netcom ADSL standby (single) routing, enable Telecom and Netcom shunt the routing.

8. fill in DNS

The first method: IP--DNS--Settings, Primary, DNS, Tim Telecom,DNS, Seconday, DNS, Tim Netcom, the main DNS

Hit the hook on the Allow Remote Requests. If you don't hit it,it' s going to go wrong,

The client' s DNS fills the ROS intranet IP

Second methods:

Client preferred DNS Tim Telecom DNS

Spare DNS Tim Netcom DNS


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